How to Comfort a Grieving Friend

If you’ve ever lost a loved one, you know firsthand just how difficult the grieving process can be. Doing and saying the right thing when your friend is grieving can be a major point of concern. Thankfully, there are a few things that you can do to comfort a friend who is going through a difficult period in his or her life. Use these tips to help make your friend’s life a bit easier after they have lost a family member or friend.

  • Don’t be afraid to reach out. After a loss, some people are hesitant to bring up the topic with their friend who is grieving. While it’s possible that your friend doesn’t wish to be reminded about the recent death in their circle, they may also appreciate a kind listening ear. Call them up and offer to just listen if they need to talk.
  • Acknowledge their pain. If your friend does want to talk, acknowledge how awful it feels to lose a loved one. Relay your own experience without overshadowing them or making them feel like their problems aren’t important.
  • Offer to help. Even if your friend has lost a loved one who scheduled a pre-arranged funeral in Philadelphia, planning a funeral can still be a major burden — especially for someone still going through grief. If your friend seems stressed or overwhelmed, offer to take on some of the reception planning on their behalf. You have no idea how much it can mean to have a few less phone calls and arrangements to make when you’re still processing the loss of a loved one.

Losing a beloved friend or family member can be one of the most difficult experiences in life. At McCafferty Funeral Home, we aren’t just a crematorium in Philadelphia — we’re also experienced funeral planners, and we can help make the loss of a loved one easier on family members.


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