McCafferty Funeral & Cremation Inc. provides low-cost Funeral & Cremation services while providing excellent, kind service.
Our Reviews

Burial Services
Starting at $5,850

Cremation Services
Starting at $1,195
The Only Funeral Home in Philadelphia With A Crematory On Site
Thank you for visiting McCafferty Funeral & Cremation Inc. website. If you wish to speak to Mark McCafferty right away please call 215-531-5014 or 215-432-8339 (cell) or 267-978-8869 (cell). We are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year for emergency death care.
McCafferty Funeral & Cremation Inc. is dedicated to providing inexpensive quality, respectful burial and cremation services to each family that we serve. Our firm is the ONLY funeral home in Philadelphia with an ON-SITE CREMATORY.
This will give you peace of mind knowing that your loved one is never out of our care. All aspects of the arrangement, cremation, or burial will be handled by one of our staff members. We are family-owned with the McCafferty Family living on top of the funeral home and handling all daily operations. No matter what service you desire, the dedication, knowledge, and kindness our staff provides is second to none.