What to Expect At Your First Funeral

If you’ve just lost a loved one for the first time, you might be feeling a swell of different emotions. You might be feeling despair at the loss of your friend or family member, stress at any financial considerations you need to make, and confusion and what to expect during the funeral service. Understanding what to expect during a funeral or cremation service in Philadelphia, PA, can make processing your loss much easier. Here’s what you can typically expect at a traditional memorial service.

 The location of the funeral service will vary depending on the religion and wishes of the deceased. Most funerals take place at houses of worship or funeral homes in Northeast Philadelphia. The service may be open to the public or only to a select few, depending on the wishes of the deceased’s family.

Most funeral services begin with a viewing. During the viewing, the body will be displayed for friends and family members to say their final goodbyes. After the viewing, a funeral service will typically begin, administered by the leader of the house of worship or funeral home director. The director will give a speech and service that may include readings from scripture, poems, or passages. During some funerals, family members and friends may go up to the pulpit and read scripture or give a speech in honor of the deceased.

 If the deceased has chosen a traditional burial, it’s common for there to be another small ceremony at the burial site. After the burial has begun, guests will usually leave and attend a small reception where food and light refreshments are served. It’s common for these receptions to be limited to family members or close friends.

 If you’ve recently experienced the loss of a loved one, you might be feeling everything from anger to confusion. During this time, McCafferty’s number one priority is helping you feel less stressed and more at ease. Our complete funeral packages can make it easier to give your loved one the funeral service they deserve. Call us today for immediate service.

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