Benefits of Cremation Over Burial

When a loved one passes, there are many choices to be made. One of the most important and instant choices that you’ll need to make is between burial and cremation. Beyond being a loved one’s choice, it also depends on what the family wants once that person is gone. Many men and women who have lost a loved one are now turning to cremation, which has several benefits over a traditional burial.

If you’ve recently lost a loved one, you might be feeling a range of emotions. From grief at the sudden loss of a family member or friend to stress over funeral bills and expenses that your loved one’s estate cannot cover, it’s normal to feel like you don’t have enough hours in the day to manage all the decisions that need to be made.

By opting for cremation services in Philadelphia, PA over a traditional funeral, you can have all the time you need to give your loved one the service and celebration they deserve. Cremation is also much less expensive than a traditional funeral and burial procession, which can relieve some of the financial stress that comes with saying goodbye to a loved one. You can have the same type of service for your loved one with a cremation as you would with a closed casket, and your loved one can still have all of the love, honor, and respect their celebration of life deserves.

If you would like more information about why you may want to consider cremation, then contact one of the best and most caring funeral homes Philadelphia has to offer, McCafferty Funeral Home. Call 215-341-5014 at any time of day or night for immediate service. To learn more about the services we offer, you can also visit us online at

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