5 Ways to Save Money On a Funeral

According to data from the National Funeral Directors’ Association, the average funeral costs about $27,000. This can leave a serious financial burden on the family of the deceased—especially if the deceased’s estate cannot handle the expenses that a funeral brings. Here are a few strategies that you can use to lower the cost of a funeral service.

  • Opt for a cremation. As a general rule, cremations usually cost less than burials. Affordable cremations in Montgomery County like those available from McCafferty Funeral Home can lessen the financial burden of planning a funeral.
  • Shop around. You don’t need to choose the first funeral home whose website you visit. Don’t be afraid to shop around for funeral services like you would for any other product or service you’d buy. Compare low-cost cremations in Montgomery County by price before you choose a package.
  • Skimp on the flowers. Flower arrangements are beautiful, but they can quickly add to your total funeral bill. For a more meaningful service, choose one or two bouquets of the deceased’s favorite flowers instead of a large floral package.
  • Skip the sealing. If you do choose a burial, you may have the option to seal the casket with a gasket for a few hundred dollars extra. While this may sound comforting, experts say that there’s nothing wrong with letting the body decay naturally. Save money by skipping the sealing expenses.
  • Hold a potluck instead of a seated dinner. Instead of holding a catered funeral luncheon or dinner, hold a potluck lunch at home. You’ll save money on catering expenses and you’ll also get to honor the deceased by sharing your family’s special recipes.

Are you dealing with funeral planning after the death of a loved one? McCafferty Funeral Home is here to help you in your time of need. Contact our team today for immediate attention. 

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