3 Considerations for the End of Life

Preparation for the end of one’s own life can be a difficult undertaking. It’s not something we often wish to dwell on, whether it be the stress of planning and financing or the consideration of difficulty that your loved ones will face. Fortunately, there is a wealth of services available to make sure that your parting from this world or the parting of a loved one brings the ease of closure needed. The following points are important options to consider.

Hospice Care: When the end of life is near, there are often many health complications that must be cared for, whether it be due to terminal illness or simply the slowing of the body. Hospice programs are a form of service that focuses on the care and comfort of those close to the end of life. The care offered by teams of medical professionals, counselors, and volunteers can greatly help with the grief of loved ones involved. There are many forms of hospice care services available and the benefits and care may differ from company to company. You should make sure to find the one that will best suit the needs and comfort of you or your loved one, but one important thing to consider is that most require a burial account for admission—an account holding the finance of cremation or burial process. The process of planning for hospice programs in Philadelphia, PA, is simple, easy, and flexible.

Cremation: Money can be an unfortunate and stressful element in preparation for funerals. The added costs of a typical plot burial can range anywhere from $4,000 to $11,000. The cost can complicate the grieving process and place stress on the soon-to-pass in their concern for their loved ones. Fortunately, there are more affordable options in the form of cremation. Services can range from only $1,000 for a simple cremation and return of remains to the family to a full viewing and memorial service for under $4,000—still more affordable than a plot burial but just as personal for the grieving. 

Urns: Choosing an urn is an essential part of planning for cremation. There are a variety of types to choose from depending on the circumstances that you plan for. Some urns are temporary and intended for the scattering of ashes or water burial. Others are more permanent, usually meant for placement in a home or similar setting, or for burial in an urn vault. Urns are typically crafted from materials such as glass, ceramic, or marble. They can be carved with text or artwork to personalize your resting place for your own wishes and for your loved ones. Many funeral homes that offer cremation services can help you with choosing the urn that is most suited for your needs. Specialized and affordable urns in Philadelphia, PA, are readily available here at McCafferty Funeral Homes. 

If you’re planning a funeral for yourself or a loved one, then McCafferty Funeral Homes is here to assist you with everything you need. Please contact us today for personable and flexible help in all the stages of your planning.

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