Cremation: What Is It & How Does It Work?

If you’ve recently lost a loved one, cremations in Philadelphia offer a respectful and affordable way to give your family member or friend the memorial they deserve. But what actually goes on inside a crematorium? Read on to learn more about the process of cremation so you can accurately inform your decision on whether this is the right option for you or your loved ones.


The first step in the cremation process following the arrival of the deceased at a Philadelphia crematory is the process of choosing a casket. The only requirement for a casket for cremation is that it is completely sealable and combustible; you may choose a simple wooden casket, a particle board container, or even a highly polished casket similar to one seen at a viewing. Metal caskets, however, cannot be used in cremations.


The next step is to confirm the identity of the deceased to be cremated. Paperwork is completed, and a cremation ID number or log is created to ensure the identity of the cremation. This step is particularly important because it helps to ensure that the family of the deceased receives the correct ashes after the cremation has been completed.


The casket is then taken to the cremation unit and placed inside. The cremation process usually lasts between 30 minutes and two hours, depending on the size of the casket and the type of material that the casket is made from. The interior of the cremation chamber can reach up to 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit. The ashes and bone fragments that are left after the process is complete are most commonly referred to as “ashes” or “cremation remains.”

Return to Friends or Family

After the process is completed, the cremation remains are carefully removed and transferred to an urn or temporary holding unit. The remains are then returned to the family members.

If you would like to learn more about the process of cremation or you need assistance after the passing of a loved one, McCafferty Funeral Home is here to help you in your time of need. Give us a call today at 215-531-5014 for immediate attention.

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